Since the animals arrival at the ranch, we have been gradually introducing the goats to new things. My dog, Mr. Miyagi, has a particular fascination with the goats, so we began to introduce the goats to the dog through a fence. Our goal was to reinforce cooperation and generally desensitize them to each other.
Finally after 10 days, we brought Mr. Miyagi into the goats’ enclosure on a leash to do their first session side by side without the fence. This video shows a short segment of the training with the fence and a short segment of their first session without the fence.
Ken Ramirez is the Executive Vice President and Chief Training Officer at Karen Pryor Clicker Training (KPCT). A trainer and consultant for nearly 40 years, Ken most recently served as the Executive Vice President, Animal Care and Training, at Chicago’s world-famous Shedd Aquarium. He is the author of several books and DVDs, including ANIMAL TRAINING: Successful Animal Management Through Positive Reinforcement, which has become required reading for many trainers in the zoological field. Learn more about Ken Ramirez.