The video above is of Marlin's first time in the pasture. He is so happy!
Our newest Ranch resident is Marlin, a 9-year-old black Lab. I first met Marlin in December of 2013 when I was visiting rescue organizations and shelters looking for a new dog to add to the dog program at the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago. People are often surprised to learn that we had dogs at the aquarium. They were part of an effort to demonstrate both the value of positive training and the importance of rescue and rehabilitation. Marlin fit well into our program, and he and I developed a strong bond.
After I left the aquarium, I continued to visit Marlin when I could. This year the aquarium decided to disband the dog program, and one of the first calls made by the folks at Shedd was to me: Did I want to provide Marlin a new home? I didn’t hesitate to say yes. At the beginning of March (2018), I went to Chicago and picked up Marlin. We drove cross-country to The Ranch, Marlin’s new home.
Marlin has settled in wonderfully. At the Ranch he loves running around the large pastures and seeing all the new animals. Marlin will be a great addition to many courses here on The Ranch.
Ken Ramirez is the Executive Vice President and Chief Training Officer at Karen Pryor Clicker Training (KPCT). A trainer and consultant for nearly 40 years, Ken most recently served as the Executive Vice President, Animal Care and Training, at Chicago’s world-famous Shedd Aquarium. He is the author of several books and DVDs, including ANIMAL TRAINING: Successful Animal Management Through Positive Reinforcement, which has become required reading for many trainers in the zoological field. Learn more about Ken Ramirez.