R+ On The Road: Retail Training and Vet Visits with Darris Cooper and Mikkel Becker
Training Separately, While Together!
The alpacas are comfortable in their social group and become nervous if separated. However, separation is at times a necessity, such as for medical behaviors, so it’s important that we set up the alpacas for success through training.
Live Episode 40
BAT 2.0 Leash-Handling for Reactivity and Cooperative Care with Eye Drops with Grisha Stewart and Laura VanArendonk Baugh
Live Episode 5
Husbandry at Home with Special Guest Laura Monaco Torelli
Animal Husbandry: Head and Mouth
We’ve shared some videos illustrating the importance of practicing body and paw tactile to teach our animals how to be comfortable and relaxed for any medical behavior. In this video, Ken Ramirez demonstrates how he works with Marlin on building comfortability around the head and mouth, including wearing a muzzle.
Learn more about tools, concepts, and strategies for the best animal care for any species in The Ranch Experience or Training for Professionals: Across Species
Animal Husbandry: Paw Tactile & Nail Trims
Last week we shared a video illustrating the importance of practicing full body tactile. This is from the same session, but the focus is on paw tactile and nail trims. Despite two major distractions Marlin stayed focused on Ken!