Which course is right for you? Compare our courses.
The Ranch Experience
Learning by training and caring for your Ranch animals, plus supplemental classroom lectures.
5 Days | Save $200 when you register by March 6 $1,950 $1,750

Experience Level


Time in the Field
High. Approximately 20 hours total.

What a Day's Like
Four hours daily working and training on The Ranch, two hours in classroom lecture, with additional time in group coaching sessions.
Dive Deep: An Advanced Training Course
Dive deep into the intricacies of advanced animal training topics, including aggression-treatment protocols, concept training, working animal challenges, research training, conservation training, people skills, and advanced training games.
5 Days | Save $200 when you register by March 6 $1,850 $1,650

Experience Level

Ideal for the self-professed “training geek” who wants to understand the uniqueness, complexities, and differences of training in contexts and disciplines. Classroom based with live training sessions and demonstrations interwoven through the five days.

Time in the Field
Approximately 7.5 hours total.

What a Day's Like
Full day in the classroom and 1.5 hours outside training and observing training, plus evening discussions.
Training for Professionals: Across Species
Our cornerstone animal training course explores core concepts and advanced animal training topics, including medical behavior training, working with groups, problem-solving, aggression, and schedules of reinforcement.
5 Days | Save $100 when you register by March 6 $1,250 $1,150

Experience Level
Valuable for all levels of knowledge and experience. If you want complete A-Z coverage of training, with knowledge you can put into practice right away, take this course.

Our most comprehensive training curriculum offered at the Ranch. Classroom based with live training sessions and demonstrations interwoven through the five days.

Time in the Field
Approximately 5 hours total.

What a Day's Like
Interested in bringing a group of three or more friends or colleagues?
Check out our group savings for any of these week-long courses.