Exploring the Intersection of Operant and Classical Conditioning with Live Training Demos
EPISODE 16: July 16, 2020
In this episode, Ken Ramirez and Lindsay Wood Brown explored the oftentimes mind-melting intersection of operant and classical conditioning. They dug deep into counter-conditioning, reactivity, and poisoned cues, with lightbulb moments along the way. In real-time Ken demonstrated concepts with Marlin, who often reacts to goats at the Ranch.
Increase your confidence by building your competence in the Click to Calm methodology for reactive and aggressive dog behavior. Enjoy a personalized, structured learning experience with 1:1 Zoom coaching sessions and loads of additional support from author and creator, Emma Parsons. Learn More>>
At Karen Pryor Academy, we take an innovative approach to developing and supporting outstanding positive reinforcement trainers. If you are interested in becoming a certified dog trainer, we encourage you to check out our 20-plus upcoming series.
Check out some of the additional resources discussed during the broadcast:
• Lindsay Wood Brown's Master Thesis: Clicker Bridging Stimulus Efficacy
• Lindsay Wood Brown's presentation on Counter-Conditioning from ClickerExpo 2020
Loved this! Thank you for a fabulous discussion that was like watching a dance of cc and oc meeting – wonderful!!!