Behaviors for Working & Pet Dogs with Kayla Fratt and Terry Ryan
Live Episode 54
Dog Training & Accessibility with Sarah Rodriguez and Jennifer Kolar
Live Episode 53
Positive Reinforcement for Dog Sports and Herding with Kamal Fernandez and Barb Buchmayer
Live Episode 52
Training Other Species LIVE from Shedd Aquarium
Live Episode 51
Advanced Luring and the Science of Training with Michele Pouliot and Linda Case
Live Episode 50
Increase Success in Training with Trust and Data with Sarah Owings and Susan G. Friedman, Ph.D.
Live Episode 48
Teaching Elephants to Protect Themselves From Poachers
Live Episode 47
Puppy Training and Setting Your Dog Business Up for Success with Sarah Kalnajs and Ines McNeil
Training Separately, While Together!
The alpacas are comfortable in their social group and become nervous if separated. However, separation is at times a necessity, such as for medical behaviors, so it’s important that we set up the alpacas for success through training.
Live Episode 46
The Science of Dog Happiness and Building Puppy Confidence with Zazie Todd, Ph.D. and Laurie C. Williams